progrerssive power



Green Initiatives Digest: Q1 2016


An 8-MW landfill gas project has begun in California’s Solano County:

The landfill gas-to-energy plant uses advanced environmental controls to treat incoming landfill gas to reduce sulfur prior to combustion. Post-combustion catalytic reduction further lowers carbon monoxide and formaldehyde emissions.


In Conjunction with The Blue Sky Program:

“The Magna Water and Sewer district will install green solar panels at its new water conservation demonstration garden for visitors to learn about solar power.”


Eagle Mountain Water Sustainability Plan:

Eagle Mountain mentioned its in-progress comprehensive water sustainability plan, which is supported by Utah State University. Eagle Mountain is also part of a public/private partnership to preserve raptor habitat.


Santaquin program to preserve farmland and open spaces.


One Million Solar Installations:


It took 40 years to get to one million installations in the U.S. but it will take just two years to get to two million.


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