progrerssive power

MONEY may be the BIGGEST reason to join the “US Solar Power Rooftop Revolution”!
Did you know, according to an article published on the average 20-year savings from going solar in the US is over $20,000? Solar power companies have been screaming about the benefits of solar for years, and were starting to wonder if anyone was listening. When people finally take the plunge into “going solar” they finally realize how significant the savings really can be.
The electric companies have us conditioned to pay them month after month after month. We do it without much thought and don’t even take into consideration the profits that these near monopolies are generating and just how much of our hard earned money we are losing year after year by making those monthly payments. The crazy part is that this adds up to tens of thousands of dollars in savings?
Last year, Progressive Power Solutions of Orem, Utah, announced that for the first time it actually costs less to get a complete home solar system than it does to do nothing and keep making those monthly payments to the power company. And it’s not getting any cheaper. Rocky Mountain power announced their biggest rate hike increase ever, and warned that Utah consumers may see annual rate increases of 8-10% every year for the next decade. That means your power bill is likely to DOUBLE every 10 years.
What if you could get “Investment Grade” solar panels installed on your home for about $1 per day? Take a look at these facts and figures on making the switch to solar, when working with Progressive Power Solutions.
- With current federal & state tax incentives, along with available rebates a solar system’s final cost can be:
- Commercial Building – 10% of total installed price
- Home – 55% of total installed price
- Electricity bill can go to near ZERO from day one
- System payoff in 8 years for @$1 a day more than current power bill
- Emergency 24/7 power for peace of mind
- Eliminates energy inflation and locks in your rates for the next 30 years
- 25 year warranty on all components
- Solar homes & commercial buildings increase in market value
In the end, it comes down to a pretty easy choice: Get a solar power system installed on your home or business and reap the enormous financial rewards, or continue sending your hard earned money to the electric companies and losing out on $20,000 over the next two decades.
Call Progressive Power Solutions at (801) 367-7282 to schedule an in home evaluation and find out how much you can save by installing investment grade solar panels on your home or business, or visit our Testimonials page to see what others had to say about working with Progressive.
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